I've chosen the life of a full time musician and show maker - although it really feels as if it's chosen me. It's local, it's regional, and it's truly a very wonderful and very challenging life. 

Even very famous musicians and artists struggle in this country,  in many other places too of course, and all through the ages patronage has made it possible for them to continue.  If I didn't receive the monthly support I do on Fractured Atlas and Patreon,  I'd literally not be able to continue to grow and develop my own playing and producing skills, let alone composing tunes and songs in my own wayward but deeply authentic way.  We all have a process, and when we're doing what we love, and are well loved for it, well then we do what we must to keep going!   

I'm ever more appreciative and grateful for your support - no matter how small or great, it really makes every difference - see links below.


A specific need or project based support can be a nice way to go, such as a supporting the making of a recording or video, then you get to see the direct result of your contribution.


Patreon allows for monthly or single  contributions of any amounts, and you'll get notifications when I upload new content: https://www.patreon.com/janpetersmusic


Fractured Atlas allows for Tax Deductible D contributions: https://fundraising.fracturedatlas.org/jan-songs-productions